Prosec-hohoho Adult Fellowship!
Prosec~HoHoHo! Holiday Adult Fellowship - A GHCC Tradition Re-Imagined! Please join us for Prosec-ho-ho-ho (and Tea Too!) at the home of Jen and Chris Bargas, 523 Hillside Road, December 10th […]
Greenfield Hill Congregational Church
The historic church with a modern-day ministry!
Prosec~HoHoHo! Holiday Adult Fellowship - A GHCC Tradition Re-Imagined! Please join us for Prosec-ho-ho-ho (and Tea Too!) at the home of Jen and Chris Bargas, 523 Hillside Road, December 10th […]
All Board members should gather in the Memorial Room to talk collectively about issues before the church, hear from staff, and build community. At 7:45, Boards will convene to their […]
Light in the Darkness Service, Wednesday, Dec. 13th 7:00 p.m. A Service for those carrying loss in this season. The holiday season is hard for those whose hearts are hurting. […]
Bible Study: Come try it out! Our Bible Study conversations are for anyone and everyone! Meets every Thursday at 10am. Location from May 15 through the summer: Parsonage, 3192 Bronson […]
SPF (Senior Pilgrim Fellowship) – our high school youth group on Thursdays! Pizza first, followed by games, discussion, or a speaker, or maybe all of the above. Whatever we do, you […]
GREAT discussions about current events and how they relate to religion! All are welcome anytime!
Our “Deacons’ Christmas Concert” will be held on Sunday, December 17th, at 4pm in the Sanctuary followed by refreshments in the Parlor.