June 28 to July 5, 2025
What’s ASP?
Since 1978, the Senior Pilgrim Fellowship (SPF) of Greenfield Hill Church has participated each summer with the Appalachia Service Project, Inc., a home-repair mission organization based in Central Appalachia, and designed especially for high school youth. ASP is a Christian ministry open to all participants, encouraging teens to understand their home repair work as “faith in action.” Youth work full days, doing physical labor for families in need: it is a hard, but deeply rewarding experience.
Applications for youth participation were accepted only until Nov. 7. Please contact Rev. Alida Ward to find out about being added to the wait list. (award@greenfieldhillchurch.com)
Interested in adult participation? Click here to jump to info about adult leadership! We will need 95 adult leaders for 2025. Parents and other interested community members are invited to serve with our youth!
Cost: The total trip cost per youth participant is $750 ($725 if paid by check). A deposit of $175 will be required with the application, with the remaining balance of $575 due on May 1, 2025.
Requirements: ASP is the culminating experience of our year together at youth group; Appalachia trip participants are expected to be regular participants at SPF meetings. In addition, participation in the four orientation meetings, the Dogwood Festival fundraiser, and another fundraiser TBA.
Interested in serving as an adult leader? We look forward to having you in 2025!
The ASP trip can’t happen without a huge team of interested adults! And we promise — this is a powerful experience of service for adults as well as youth. We count on interested parents, church members, community members, teachers, older siblings! (minimum age for leaders is 19). While adults are not charged to participate, a donation of $375 is welcome and encouraged!
Please read through the materials below. If it all sounds good, please email Alida to request the link to our online registration form for leaders (required).
Adult Leader Materials:
Leader Expectations – please read carefully
ASP Leaders’ Manual (2024 edition)
Any other questions? Contact Alida Ward!