Greenfield Hill Congregational Church
The historic church with a modern-day ministry!
GHCC Play Group! An open invitation to all adults with young children who are looking to connect with others to come and gather together on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 a.m. upstairs in the Church House. We will provide coffee for the grown-ups and toys for the little ones. Interested? Questions? Please feel free to contact […]
The Knitting & Handcrafts Group is Back! An open invitation to all who enjoy knitting and ALL other handcrafts to join us on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 5-7:00 pm in the Church House Library. The group is open to all skill levels from beginner to expert of any crafting (not […]
SPF (Senior Pilgrim Fellowship) – our high school youth group! Pizza first, followed by games, discussion, or a speaker, or maybe all of the above! See you at the Barn from 6pm-7:30pm!
Family Game Night, presented by the 300th Anniversary Committee, will be held on Friday, February 7, from 6-8 p.m. in the Memorial Room (snow date of 2/28). There will be Pizza, Games for all ages, and Prizes! There is no cost to join the fun, though donations are welcome. Parents and children, Grandparents and Grandkids, […]
Junior Choir: We rehearse on most Sundays, from 8:30-8:55am in Memorial Room (while parents can enjoy a cup of coffee before worship while your children sing!) We have online practice tracks and access to sheet music and words to look at if you can't make it to every rehearsal. Flexibility in scheduling and enjoyment of […]
Our kids Church School classes ready for a fun, faith filled year! Classes are available for preschool through 7th grade Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in person in the Church House classrooms. No sign-ups or pre-registration required – just come and join in the fun! Questions? Check in with Marcia Carothers.
Sunday, February 9th is the ANNUAL MEETING of the church! Nothing expresses the heart of ‘congregationalism’ like the Annual Meeting ... the one time each year when all the congregation is invited to come together to do the work of the church. At this meeting, we’ll elect our leaders for 2025 and talk about and […]