Greenfield Hill Congregational Church
The historic church with a modern-day ministry!
Bible Study: Come try it out! Our Bible Study conversations, led by David, are for anyone and everyone! Meets every Thursday at 10am in the Parlor (the room behind the Sanctuary).
Maundy Thursday ~ April 17th at 7:30 pm. We share communion and remembering Jesus’ last evening with his friends. Everyone welcome, families too! Bring your favorite cup to take communion in!
Good Friday ~ March 29th at 12noon ~ ‘Stations towards the Cross’ ~ Walk from church to Memorial Garden. All ages welcome!
Good Friday ~ April 18th at 7:30pm ~ Tenebrae service in the Sanctuary.
Easter Egg Hunt ~ Saturday, April 19th at 10am. For any and all Church School Kids! Meet in the Memorial Room. FREE!
Easter Eve Worship ~ April 19th at 5pm. Celebrate Easter joy early with special music, children’s messages, and messages by David and Alida
Easter Sunday ~ April 20th at 7am ~ Sunrise Service led by our Confirmation Class.
Easter Sunday ~ April 20th at 9am ~ Easter Joy Service with glorious music, messages by David and Alida, and a children’s message.
Easter Sunday ~ April 20th at 11am ~ Easter Joy Service with glorious music, messages by David and Alida, and a children’s message.
GHCC Play Group! An open invitation to all adults with young children who are looking to connect with others to come and gather together on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 a.m. upstairs in the Church House. We will provide coffee for the grown-ups and toys for the little ones. Interested? Questions? Please feel free to contact […]