Men’s Group Meeting

Memorial Room 1045 Old Academy Road, Fairfield, CT, United States

We are delighted to be launching a new Men's Group at Greenfield Hill Church, under the leadership of church member Glenn Horine. This new program will offer GHCC men a chance to get together for fellowship and friendship.

Event Series Jr. Choir Practice

Jr. Choir Practice

Memorial Room 1045 Old Academy Road, Fairfield, CT, United States

Junior Choir: We rehearse on Sunday mornings from 8:30-8:55am in Memorial Room (while parents can enjoy a cup of coffee before worship while your children sing!) We have online practice tracks and access to sheet music and words to look at if you can't make it to every rehearsal. Flexibility in scheduling and enjoyment of […]

3rd Grade Bible Presentations

Sanctuary 1045 Old Academy Road, Fairfield, CT, United States

We will be presenting Good News Bibles to all of our church school third graders on Sunday, October 2nd during the 9:00 worship service. This is a Church First Sunday, so following the presentation AND the children’s message, the children will be dismissed to the Church House for regular church school classes.

Event Series Church School

Church School

Church House 1045 Old Academy Road, Fairfield, CT, United States

Classes are available for preschool through 7th grade Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in person in the Church House classrooms. No sign-ups or pre-registration required – just come and join in the fun! Questions?  Check in with Marcia Carothers.