Greenfield Hill Congregational Church
The historic church with a modern-day ministry!
After the 10:30am worship service, the Adult Ed board presents Dr. Katherine Hermes, our next 300th anniversary history speaker, in the Sanctuary. Her topic will be “Dual Empires: Women’s Private and Public Spheres in Connecticut History” in which she will examine the common belief that the activity of women was limited to the private sphere. We’ll explore the lives of women ranging from colonial English goodwives to the Native, African, and African American female servants and enslaved women who managed the households and kept Hartford running. Learn more about Ruth Moore, the first woman of color to leave a will in colonial Hartford; Sarah Onepenny, a leading elder of the Wangunk; Dorothy Hooker Chester, a sister of Hartford’s founder; and Goodwife Knapp, an accused witch in Fairfield.