An Update from the 300th Anniversary Building Committee
While the Sanctuary and Youth Barn renovations won’t be in full swing until after Dogwood 2024, the Building Committee, General Contractor, and Architect have been busy behind the scenes working to ensure our project is on course. The Building Committee will be providing the congregation with periodic updates throughout the process, and we will post pictures on the website as well so everyone can stay informed.
Our first “Pardon Our Dust!”
You may have noticed that we are missing a chandelier in the balcony! That’s because it is our “tester” chandelier and is at Grand Light in Seymour, a restorer of historic lighting and custom lighting manufacturer. Grand Light is one of only two companies like it in the country and we are fortunate enough to have them right in our backyard! A few of us went to their facility to see the progress they have made on our beautiful chandelier. Once Grand Light has all our fixtures, they will be better able to determine more about them in terms of the manufacturer and exact age but for now, they assure us that these fixtures are incredibly valuable and could not be replicated today. Grand Light will rewire, clean, polish and paint our fixtures and they have even figured out a way to clean and repair the unusual roping that is wound around the brass rods on the fixtures – they are going to be stunning! The light fixtures will also be on “lifts” so that they can come down for easier cleaning and bulb replacement with the flip of a switch.
Church member and designer Dawn Lauf has been working with the building committee, exploring carpets and fabrics for pew cushions and benches using these stunning light fixtures as her inspiration.
Speaking of Restoration . . .
Alida recently came across these photos which show our church in the 1950s before our pews were painted entirely white. We have also included a photo from the late 1800s which also shows the pews with the mahogany finish. We are looking forward to bringing back the mahogany tops and end caps to restore them to their original glory!
And our historical significance . . .
Many of you may remember that in 2013, GHCC received a grant from the CT State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to help repair and replace the cedar roof on our church. It was a significant expense and SHPO awarded us $197K to help pay for the project. Based on the size of the grant, SHPO has a 20-year easement on the property which gives them the authority to approve or deny any project for the church — interior and exterior. The good news is that they were impressed by our plans and expressed great appreciation for the thought put into them. From the open Chancel to the restored pews to the brightened Narthex, SHPO was very supportive of the renovations proposed. However, there was one item that they have required us to change: we have been told that one of the two staircases needs to be kept in its current configuration, in recognition of its historical significance. As we are bound to their decision, we have altered our plans accordingly and will only be straightening one set of stairs. (Our easement with SHPO expires in 2033, at which point we will be able to make all decisions regarding the interior of our church autonomously).
And, of course, TIMING!
We are fortunate to be working with Domus Construction and Michael Smith Architects who have been diligent in acquiring the necessary permits for the project as well as already beginning to order items that have a longer lead time. Our initial plan had been to start right after Easter 2024. Instead, in response to input from the congregation and staff, we will be waiting until after the Dogwood Festival to begin the renovation work. Our team is committed to do everything we can to ensure that our project is completed in time for us to be back in the church for Deacons’ Picnic Sunday in September!
If anyone has any questions or comments about this communication or the project in general, please contact Wendy Simon at
The GHCC Building Committee:
Mike Smith, Architect
Chris Shea, Domus Construction
Chris Bargas
Dawn Lauf
Carol McCullough
Wendy Simon
Alida Ward
Roni Widmer