A message from David and Alida

What a privilege to be your pastors at such a time as this! What a joy to celebrate this milestone with you: three centuries of this church being a beacon on the hill, a light to the community, and a welcoming place for all.
But we’re not just celebrating the past. We are looking forward with hope and excitement to all the years ahead. We’re thinking of all the generations still to come whose lives will be touched by this church. We need to be ready for the next 300 years!
How are we getting ready? By strengthening our financial foundation so that we continue to thrive. And by ensuring that our church buildings are places of welcome, light and safety.
This congregation has always inspired us with its generosity and love. Now, let’s take that commitment to “new heights!” Thank you in advance for your gifts to this important campaign.
We’ll be celebrating all year long, continuing with special events throughout the year:
Click here for a list of events throughout the year!

Religion of Revolution
Congregational Voices on Liberty
For the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution, the Congregational Library & Archives presents Religion of Revolution: Congregational Voices on Liberty. This new digital exhibition highlights the stories of New England Congregationalists through important and rarely seen print works of the period as well as church records, letters, and sermon literature from the CLA’s collections and the New England’s Hidden Histories project. Click here to view this digital exhibit!